Long Hair, Totally Care Too Much.

My hair currently looks like this:

Photo on 4-24-14 at 5.31 PM #2

Please forgive the cheetah duvet. It was initially a super cheap joke and then eventually just too awesome.

It’s long, it’s tangly, it’s heavy, it takes forever to dry. I admit that I love having the length (it can be very pretty), but a lot of the time, it just feels like I’m carrying a thick curtain around on my dome.

So, I’ve been debating chopping it all off, and have been inspired by the bravery of close friends and by cuts I’ve seen online.

668b615549429e1709f95ff93cb94596 Medium-Length-Shaggy-Bob-Haircuts-2014 Julianne-Hough-short-hair

Super cute and perfect for spring/summer. Light, polished, adorable.

I have these delusions of grandeur until I remember that I’m not Katie Holmes and I live in a damp, rainy place and that if I were to cut off all this weighty hair, I’d look less like a magazine cover and more like this:


This, I can only assume, is a still from Jennifer Aniston’s new movie about how she goes from tragic dorkus to stunning professional business woman by taking off her glasses and highlighting her hair.

I’m shelving the haircut – at least for now. I do not need any more help in the “tragic dorkus” department.

7 thoughts on “Long Hair, Totally Care Too Much.

  1. Agreed..I whip off my glasses at least three times a day, just so I can continually shock those around me with my rapid transformation into a supermodel. 🙂

    At this point, I’m ten seconds from my hair turning white, so I’m keeping it long as long as I can. You can only pull it off for so many years, before you become that weird old lady with the pony tail, so I’m using every last second of this time.

    • I know! In theory, it is always a great idea. I love how short hair frames a face and how (on most people) it always looks styled, just simply because it’s harder to pull back into a bun. However, in practice, for me, my hair is actually easier to manage when it’s long. At least it’s too heavy to frizz out everywhere.
