Waiting Game.

This weekend, I’m doing very little more than cleaning out our bedroom, absentmindedly attempting Sudoku puzzles while eating grotesque amounts of milk chocolate and almond candy bars, and waiting for Fertile Myrtle to go into labor, as I am responsible for watching the Fiece while the whole family heads to the hospital (hopefully, for realz this time).  I’ve cleared my usually very busy schedule for this and put all my money on today, so I hope Myrtle gets her act together and has this baby in the next few hours, because beginning Monday, I’ll be back at work and unable to babysit at a moment’s notice.  (FM, GET. IT. TOGETHER.)

So, basically, I have nothing to say.  I read a really inflammatory article yesterday, and may write about it later, but I’m currently too busy eating a microwaved piece of Trader Joe’s garlic naan for lunch and watching Bob Hope movies.

Maybe I’ll be back to making genius social commentary this evening.  In the meantime, please enjoy these ecards:

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Did you just totally LOL?  I hope so.

And congratulations to Katie from the fabulous Sass & Balderdash!  You’ve won the Friend-Zone Giveaway and are now the proud owner of The Neville Brothers 20th Century Masters compilation, which features this, my favorite song of all time:

Unfortunately, the album doesn’t come with a copy of the music video.  TG for YouTube, right?

(Katie, email me at ceeceehomemaker@gmail.com to claim your incredible prize.)

6 thoughts on “Waiting Game.

  1. Why does everyone think the date my child ill be born has anything to do with ME!? Tell HER to step on it! I’m certainly not making it comfortable for her in there: spicy food, tons of walking, sex. Can’t possibly be pleasant for her in there. But then again, maybe she can hear the Fiece and thinks she has picked the lesser of two evils?

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